Friday, March 27
5:00 PM
Director: Sergio Morkin
México/Doc/80 min
Location: Marquez De Leon Theater
Director: Sergio Morkin
México/Doc/80 min
Maricarmen es chelista, toca con una banda de rock y en una orquesta de cámara. Además es maestra de música, escritora, corredora de maratones, vive sola y es ciega. Sobrelleva esa condición con humor ácido y una auto-exigencia feroz. Entre la risa y una reflexión descarnada sobre el hecho de vivir, el documental transita los laberintos de esta sobreviviente.
Maricarmen is a cello player; she plays with a rock band, as well as in a chamber orchestra. She is also a music teacher, a writer, and a marathon runner. She lives alone and is completely blind. She copes with her condition by having a biting sense of humor and being fiercely self-demanding. Swaying between laughter and a bare-boned meditation on the act of living, the documentary navigates the labyrinths surrounding a survivor.
Premio del Público~ Festival de Morelia
Premio “E tudo verdade” ~ Festival Internacional Documental